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July 27 2023
Last night, I came home late from ball practice. A few months ago, I started assisting a travel softball team that consists of 8- to 10-year-olds
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July 26 2023
Okay, this week’s article is going to be a little different. Honestly, I just want to complain for a few minutes
July 24 2023
A question asked quite often in an interview is, “Who is your role model?”
July 21 2023
New Zealand is home to about 5 million people and 5 million cows. That is half the number of cows that are in the United States, all on an island not quite the size of California
July 19 2023
What’s the best calf starter? Of course, the answer is whatever starter fits your operation
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July 12 2023
As fast as agriculture is changing, some things have stayed the same. Most farms — over 90% — are still family owned and operated
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July 11 2023
I grew up in a house that was busy. That’s just the nature of dairy farming
July 5 2023
Growing up on a small family farm in rural Wisconsin, I have always been surrounded by the dairy industry.
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June 29 2023
The National FFA Organization became a huge part of my life starting my sixth-grade year when my agriculture teacher showed up on my front porch with a form to join
June 26 2023
When I was old enough to participate in junior activities through breed associations, I was terrified to do them
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June 22 2023
The weather has become far more than a topic for small talk these days
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June 15 2023
As dairy farmers, our life is lead wide open each and every day
June 5 2023
During my reign as the 2022 Virginia Dairy Princess, I was asked a particularly interesting question, “What do you think cows would say if they could talk?”
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June 1 2023
As we now move into June, I couldn’t let us move too far on from May — National Mental Health Awareness month — without talking about mental health
May 24 2023
Stress is part of life, and in some ways, it can motivate us to do better and be better
May 22 2023
It seems crazy how a four-legged animal can determine the direction of your life
May 19 2023
I took a walk out to our calf hutches last week to begin summer preparations to that area of our farm
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May 18 2023
Let’s talk about first-calf heifers, or, as I like to call them, first-calf velociraptors
May 10 2023
When we started milking in our robotic milking facility, we were fetching cows that hadn’t come up to milk on their own seven to eight times per day
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May 4 2023
When I was growing up, it seemed as if we kept our stories to ourselves. Social media wasn’t a big deal when I was younger, so I didn’t really tell folks what all went on in my daily life